Innovative Approach to Electronics DesignInnovative Approach to Electronics Design

The new version of SimOne 2.6 Beta is now available


New Features in SimOne

User Feedback

The feedback with a message to the developers can now be sent from inside SimOne. With the Help→Feedback menu entry “Contact developer” window is opened.

At the window there are optional fields for the sender email, name and the message subject. The message text cannot be left blanc. If the message type is Question, the email to send the response must be provided too.

The message types are:

  • Question,
  • Suggestion,
  • Bug,
  • Interface issue or
  • Other.

Additional information can be send:

  • Scheme (or netlist),
  • Current SimOne view screenshot (without Contact developer window),
  • System information,
  • Any other file.

The sent messages are stored in the history. To view them click the Message history button.

Touchstone model and N-port devices

SimOne now supports N-port components, specified with S-, Z- and Y-parameters.
The parameters can be set either as expressions or as Touchstone files.

N-ports can be placed to the schematic either

  • as a primitive (toolbar icons ) or
  • a component from included libraries of Touchstone-models:

A new property is introduced for Laplace sources and N-ports: MaxF. It defines the Inverse Fourier Transform step applied to the specified element (or model) in simulations. Note: this doesn't define the element itself, but only the behaviour of computational algorithms.


Graphs in AC analysis can be displayed on the Smith chart.

Display the graph in polar coordinates Main menu: Graph→Mode→Polar
Toolbar:   icon
Display the graph on the Smith chart Main menu: Graph→Mode→Smith chart
Toolbar:  icon


AC analysis graphs can be exported in Touchstone and Freq formats.

Export to a Touchstone-file window:

It contains the following parameters:

Name Description

The format to express complex numbers:

  • Re Im — Real and Imaginary parts;
  • Mag DEG — magnitude and phase in degrees;
  • DB DEG — decibels and phase in degrees
Parameter type

N-port parameters type. Can be on of the following:

  • S-parameters;
  • Y-parameters;
  • Z-parameters.
Matrix Size N-port parameters matrix size
Resistance Reference resistance (with which s-parameters are measured)
Variables Variables available to be used in the expression to export
Functions Functions available to be used in the expression to export
Expressions Expressions to export
Matrix Indices Indices in the N-port matrix. Are separated with comma ','. To set more than one pair for the same expression, separate them with semicolon ';'

Export to a Freq-file window:

Рис. 20.16.5 Окно экспорта графика вFreq-файл

It contains the following parameters:

Name Description

The format to express complex numbers:

  • Re Im — Real and Imaginary parts;
  • Mag DEG — magnitude and phase in degrees;
  • DB DEG — decibels and phase in degrees
Variables Variables  available to be used in the expression to export
Functions Functions available to be used in the expression to export
Expression Expression to export

Mathematical expressions

The following measurements can now be used as expressions:

Bandwidth Bandwidth(expr, [level]) - Bandwidth of the expr at the level of dB. expr By default level = 3 dB.
СenterFrequency СenterFrequency(expr, [level]) – the center frequency of the bandpass at the level of dB. By default level = 3 dB.
Cutoff_Highpass Cutoff_Highpass (expr, [level]) – the upper bound of the bandpass at the level of dB. By default level = 3 dB.
Cutoff_Lowpass Cutoff_Lowpass (expr, [level]) – the lower bound of the bandpass at the level of dB. By default level = 3 dB.
DeltaX DeltaX(expr, y1, y2, [cross]) – the distance on the X axis between the point with Y coordinate and the point with Y coordinate , occurring for the th time. By default cross = 1.
DeltaY DeltaY(expr, x1, x2 ) – the distance on the Y axis between the point with X coordinate and the point with X coordinate .
FallTime FallTime(expr, y1, y2, [fall]) – the distance on the X axis between the point with Y coordinate and the point with Y coordinate on the th fall of the graph. By default cfall = 1.
firstY firstY(expr) – returns the value of expr at the first point of the graph.
Frequency Frequency(expr, y, [cross]) – returns the frequency of the expr measured by level y. Cross is the number of value y. By default cross = 1.
Inflection Inflection(expr, [cross]) – returns the X coordinate of the point where the th inflection of the graph occurs. By default cross = 1.
lastY lastY(expr) – returns the value of expr at the last point of the graph.
MaxY MaxY(expr) – returns the maximum value of the expr.
MaxX MaxX(expr) – returns the X coordinate of the maximum value of the expr.
MinY MinY(expr) – returns the minimum value of the expr.
MinX MinX(expr) – returns the X coordinate of the minimum value of the expr.
NX NX(expr, [N=1]) – returns the X coordinate of the expr at the N-th point.
NY NY(expr, [N=1]) – returns the value of the expr at the N-th point.
PeakX PeakX(expr, [cross]) – returns the X coordinate of the function's peak point that occurs for the th time. By default cross = 1.
PeakY PeakY(expr, [cross]) – returns the value of the function at the th peak. By default cross = 1.
Period Period(expr, y, [cross]) – returns the frequency of the expr measured by level y. Cross is the number of value y. By default cross = 1.
Q_Bandpass Q_Bandpass (expr, [level]) – returns the Quality factor at the level of dB. By default level = 3 dB.
RangeY RangeY(expr,x1,x2) – difference between, max and min values of the expr in interval [x1;x2].
RiseTime RiseTime(expr, y1, y2, [rise]) – the distance on the X axis between the point with Y coordinate and the point with Y coordinate on the th rise. By default rise = 1.
Slope Slope(expr, x) - returns the tangent of the slope angle at .
SlopeX SlopeX(expr, slope, [cross]) – returns the X coordinate of the point at which the slope angle tangent equals , occurring for the th time. By default cross = 1.
ValleyX ValleyX(expr, [cross]) - returns the X coordinate of the th valley of the expr. By default cross = 1.
ValleyY ValleyY(expr, [cross]) - returns the value of the expr at the th valley.
Width Width(expr, y, []) - the distance on the X axis between the two closest points with Y coordinate , occurring for the th time. By default cross = 1.
XatY XatY(expr,y,cross,[crosstype]) - returns the X coordinate of a point with Y coordinate occurring for the th time with the specified configuration: on the rise, on the fall or wherever there is a crossing.
YatX YatX(expr,x) - returns the value of the expr at x.

However, they can be used in expressions to plot as graphs, but not in descriptions of schematic components.


  • Metric suffixes interpretation errors are fixed.

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